» 公司介绍 >>

九游会科技有限公司是一家工业品贸易公司,成立于 2005年。向用户提供世界知名品牌的工具、机电九游会·产品及其应用技术服务。公司是奥地利泰利莱( TYROLIT )砂轮、美国许密特( SCHMITT )SBS动平衡九游会·产品,在国内西南地区唯一的授权代理商。在磨削及高速加工应用领域,九游会致力于为用户提供最妥善的技术解决方案


Established in 2005, Chongqing Leagen Technology Co., Ltd. is an industrial product trade company. We professionally provide clients with global-brand tools and mechanical products and related applied technology services. Our company is the only authorized distributor in Southwest China to agent products of TYROLIT Wheels from Austria and SCHMITT Dynamic Balance Systems from America. In the grinding and speed processing field, we committed to offer the most appropriate solutions to clients.